
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alrighty Then...

I do NOT have a fractured foot or leg or whatever!!!!!!! YAY!!! But I do have to use crutches and wear this uncomfortable bandage thing.  Plus a med.  But, hey, I can return to school tomorrow and I'm very happy about that!!  I just have to hobble around on crutches, which should be good for a laugh or two!!  I may just try one crutch...Thank goodness we have an elevator at school!!!

I heard there was a little drama today, but I couldn't have done anything about it if I were there!  So, tomorrow we start reading and math focus!!  I have a great idea for a lapbook on persuasive texts that I'm going to try tomorrow and Friday.  I'll see how it works out and post pics if it goes well.  (I may post pics if it's an epic fail, too, just to save someone else the pain!!

I thought I would stalk and pin all day, but after the doc visit, I just wanted to sleep and watch TV.  This is the only time I can do that without feeling guilty!!

I leave you with this fits my week, in a way! And it made me laugh!!

"Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I put "DOCTOR". What's my mother going to do?"--Anonymous

Have a great evening all! 


  1. Glad you don't have a fracture! I am enjoying your blog and love that doctor quote!!

  2. Thank you, Mrs. M! Glad you're here!
