
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Just passing along...

I usually don't post on Saturdays.  Well, except for 1:00 am posts.  But, in my mind, that was actually a Friday post.  I hadn't been to sleep yet, so technically it was still Friday.  Right????

I just wanted to stop by tell you that I have added a lot of blogs to My Blog List on the left side of the screen and buttons to some of my favorites on the right side of the screen.  There are some fantastic blogs out there for all grade levels.  You'll notice that a lot of the ones I follow aren't 4th grade teachers.  But a 1st grade idea can work in a 4th grade classroom...with a little tweaking, of course.  So I just want to share! 

Plus, we teachers all belong to a sisterhood (at least in Blog Land!) and getting to know each other makes us better at what we do.  It's so refreshing to see "sisters" out there that love their jobs as much as I love mine! 

I have also added some of my favorite student and teacher books to a new tab at the top of my page!  (yea baby...I'm conquering blogger!! ::happy dance::)  These books are mainly for ages 9 and up.  However, since I've taught first grade as well, I do have a few primary recommendations.  The teacher section is new...I don't usually buy guide books.  But I love The Book Whisperer. And so many blogs have talked about The Daily 5 and The CAFE Book, so I bought them both on my kindle today.   My kindle has become my best bud, so Amazon is where I get most of my books.  I am an avid reader...I love it!!!  There is nothing like finishing up a series book at 1 am and buying the next in the series right then and there!!!  My house is less cluttered since my books are on Kindle and not around the house!!
Well toodles until manana!!! And keep checking in for updated blog lists!!



  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower. I just love sharing ideas through blogging too. :o) Stop by anytime.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. I would agree with you - it is still Friday until the sun rises on Saturday morning. I just found you blog this morning and wanted to stop in and say hello.

    Mrs Poland
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  3. Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments!! I love both of your blogs!
