
Monday, March 12, 2012

No rest for the wicked...

 Well, if you're wickedly clever, wickedly bored, or a wicked insomniac, that is!!  I have no school tomorrow, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, ...  Have I mentioned it's Spring Break???  So, I'm still up at 11:00 p.m. without lesson plans to do or clothes to iron.  But I'm STILL thinking about school! I find myself waking up with ideas in the morning or having difficulty falling asleep because an idea pops in my head and I want to go write it down.

 My principal told us in our last PLC (Professional Learning Community?????--I cannot remember the title for acronym!!!!)  that we should spend spring break with our families and not do anything related to school.  Yet, here I am, plopping away on the keyboard about things I'm planning!!  Oy vey....

I was so excited to visit the Teachers Pay Teachers store today!  I've decided to screw up delve into graphics (using NOT creating). I knew that there were a few free ones that I could experiment with.  I plan to buy several once I get the hang of using them.  I'm planning to use the graphics to create games this week that I can use the Friday before STAAR.  I haven't quite planned my schedule for that week, but I do know that I will have a special treat, saying, etc. for my quarters each day.

On the Monday before the test, we will do some serious reviewing.  I will also present every quarter with a STAAR Survival Kit.  I haven't exactly got them together (planning, planning, planning...) but I will probably get a big ziploc for each and put in a pencil, tracking card, eraser, peppermints, homemade bookmark, stress rock, etc. They won't be able to have the tracking card (without asking) but I still want to impress upon them how important it will be.  I also think they will love getting the "kit".

While blog hopping, I saw a great idea for AFTER the test... Becky over at Dots -n- Spots  had a great post-test idea.  She created a "rocking" card to give her students, along with some Pop Rocks!  I downloaded her freebie and plan to steal her idea for my quarters!  Thanks, Becky!

On a non-school related note...I was somewhat productive.  I made a door wreath for my daughter to hang on her apartment door in Huntsville.  Her husband, 2Lt. John, is being deployed  and she is heading back from North Carolina, so I made her a yellow, ribbon-covered wreath.  I sent her a pic, but she said it was too dark. I'll let her decide if she likes it when she gets here...she's very creative and can adjust it and make it look super cool!  Not my best work, but I tried...

I think the ribbons may be a little long...some adjustments are in order. Believe it or not, it's the camouflage ribbons you can't see well!! Ha ha ha!! I think I'm proud of it, just the same.

Once I get some ideas solidified, graphics unzipped, and ... well... printer ink and paper... I will post up some of my ideas.  I may also post my games/plans so that maybe, someone else can use the idea.

Again, my visiting readers, I leave you with a Potter-quote from the fantastic writing mind of J.K. Rowling...(I'm a fan, ya know?).  This quote is from my 5th favorite book of the series...(yes, I have an order of geek...) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

"I sometimes find, and I am sure you know the feeling, that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind.... At these times... I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure."--Albus Dumbledore

Aha! This blog has become my pensieve!

Always (the geek),

 Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]


  1. Hi Tammy,

    I was just coming to your blog next to let you know of the award I wanted to give you! ...but you beat me to the punch!! You are doing great things here that more people need to see! Congrats!

    One Teacher's Take

  2. OMG...this just shows what a newbie I am!!! I was just happen to have you mention my blog...I didn't realize you were passing on the love!! LOL!! Thank you so much for the kind words!! do I do? LOL!! I'm sorry; I should know this after reading so many...

    Confessions of a Fourth Grade Teacher
