
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Toil and Trouble...

Before we get started...does anyone know where I could buy cute, creative fonts to use on my laptop??  I have some things I want to create but I just have the plain-Jane Word fonts.  If so, please leave me a comment!!

Now, on to the day...

 Geez!! I don't know about the rest of you out there in Blog Land, but I am so ready for Spring Break! Someone opened up a can of crazy in my room and both of my classes tried some of it!  I can't explain it any better than that!

When we return from Spring Break, we have one week until the Writing STAAR here in Texas.  So, we have practiced our test taking skills for the last few weeks on test-like passages.  Our district calls this "Bridging to STAAR".  We are doing this in both Reading and Writing, two times a week.  I think my students have had enough.  I have had enough.  Don't get me wrong, it is essential that they practice test-taking strategies (NOT teaching the test), but things become boring and repetitive.  There is only so much excitement you can put into a story, questions, and answer choices.  Today, I had four students need to go to the nurse and about 20 really, really, really needed to go to the restroom because "It's an emergency!"  Right. I wanted to go to the restroom AND the nurse, too.  But...we soldiered on.

So, I didn't really get to introduce or reteach in the standard way.  However, we did come up with a STAAR reminder chart. 

 I plan to keep this up until the day before STAAR. Maybe they will read enough times to absorb it?? (fingers crossed, eyes closed...)It reminds of the cheerleading posters that are hung in the high school hallways.  I have a plan each day for the week before STAAR to get students pumped up! I'll try anything at this point...but don't tell them that!!!

On top of that, I've had to collect TELPAS samples.  I don't know why collection is such a pain...we are writing in class anyway.  AND, I had STAAR testing training on Tuesday and I have TELPAS Online training tomorrow! GEEZ! Bring on the Break!!!!

Before you leave, please "like" this page on Facebook and join me as a follower!!  And be sure to visit the blogs to the right and left...there are some awesome ones!!

So I leave you with a non-Potter quote (I know, I're disappointed).  But it's still a good one to ponder...

"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."--Ignacio Estrada

Maybe, just maybe, new curriculum would work if we kept this quote in mind...


 Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog.. AWESOME to find another upper level ELA teacher. You have some fabulous ideas!! I am your newest follower...

  2. Hi - I just found your blog. It's so cute! Did you see the newbie link up? You should!

    Anywho checkout DJ Inkers for fonts. Love their stuff!!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  3. Welcome!!Thanks for following and for your kind words! Mrs. Poland- Thanks for the DJ Inkers heads up! Also, where is the newbie link? I searched your page, but I may have overlooked it!

    I just love Blog Land!

    Confessions of a Fourth Grade Teacher

  4. Hi! I found your blog on Pinterest.There are a ton of FREE fonts out there you can try before you have to buy any. The two best sites are and

    I am a brand new elementary school teacher (as in, I am finishing my studnet teaching and taking the PPR this week!) I LOVE your blog and I am very interested in any info you post about the STAAR and how well it worked for you. If it's OK, I'd like to follow your page! Thanks!

    1. Hi Victoria! I'm glad you're here! Thanks for the free font info! I definitely want to try before I buy! Good luck on the PPR!! Thanks for following! You know the STAAR is new this year, so it's almost like the first year of teaching! Oh gosh! But follow along...I hope I'm able to give you ideas or things you can use when you get your own classroom!!


  5. I can totally relate to the "can of crazy" and the test-taking blah, blah, blah... zzzzzzz... Sometimes I wonder if they are even awake lol.

    I have a quick tip for the "It's an emergency" and clinic kids... I got it from Teach Like a Champion (if you haven't read it, it's sooooo good). First, run off a set of multiplication problems. The hard ones - not the one-digit ones. If a kid REALLY has to go to the bathroom, they do the worksheet. Then with the clinic kids, "I guess you're too sick for recess if you're too sick to stay in class." Works every time ;)

    I just joined your blog via Fabulous 4th Grade Froggie's Linky Party. Can't wait to read more.

    Happy Thursday!


    1. Thank you for the bathroom tip! I never thought of giving them a worksheet. You're right...if they really need to go, they'll do anything to go!


  6. Thank you for sharing this blog! You are flipping fabulous! I love that you are not shy about sharing what you know. How else are new teachers supposed to learn in our verterns are shy about sharing...thanks again.
