
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Feeling Guilty...

Just stopping in to let my friends know that I have not forgotten about being caught in the game of "Tag"!  I plan to catch up tomorrow night. Tonight, I have cooking to do for Easter lunch.  My college kidults are home for the weekend, so we had family day today.  But,  I'm so lucky to have Monday off, too!  That will be a school catch up day...unless...

gets out of beta!!!!!!  As many of you know, I am a total Potterhead.  If you didn't know, well...there it is.  I am a huge Harry Potter/JK Rowling fan.  I started reading the books to my son when he was 7 and he lost interest after a couple of years.  I, however, did not.  I am, indeed, one of the many older Potter fans! I have definitely had withdrawals since the final movie went to Blu-Ray.   When book 7 was published, we fans still had the movies to look forward to.'s Pottermore.  And I am not embarrassed.  We all have our I right?  (Even if I'm not...shhhhhhhh...)

Since I didn't get chosen to be part of beta, I've been looking forward to Pottermore opening to the public.  And, according to the website, it should open for us in early April.  (The e-books are already out!)  However, it is now April 7 (April 8 in Europe, etc.) and still no Pottermore.  I just know it's coming soon! 

So, I sit here, cleaning, and checking the website periodically...because, well, when I hyper-focus, I do it BIG TIME!  Dear Blog Land, you are not forgotten...only temporarily put on hold!!

Here is a quote to sustain me....maybe...

"He that can have patience can have what he will."--Benjamin Franklin

I'm trying!! ::biting my nails::



  1. I had no clue about this secret world of Pottermore. Will be sharing with my students! (They probably already know! ) Happy Easter!

  2. I have been DYING to to get on Pottermore! I was hoping that not would I enjoy it (and have something Potter to look forward to since the final movie dropped), but I was hoping I could use it in some way to enhance my LA teaching of the skills with the first novel.

    I feel like writing Mrs. Rowling a letter, simply stating...I AM WAITING!

    From one adult Potter-head to another.
    -Damien of the Reading Buddies
