
Thursday, April 12, 2012

We Have A Winner!

I would like to congratulate my two "giveaway" winners...

The winner of the Teachers Pay Teachers $10 gift certificate is

Entry #12, Bonnie from

Living a Wonderful Life

Congratulations, Bonnie!!! 

The winner of the Amazon $10 gift certificate is 

Entry #9, Emily

Congratulations, Emily!!

I numbered each entry and entered the information into the true random number generator on  I'm still a newbie at all of this, so I couldn't figure out how to copy the results and put them onto my blog!  And, sorry Megan, I did NOT include your, my dear daughter, were exempt! Haha!!

A sincere thank you to everyone that entered!  I appreciate your support and encouragement!

Now...back to the Pottermore watch!!! (I'm kind of obsessed right now!)


  1. Sweet! Thanks! I saw this on Facebook and I am so SUPER excited! :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  2. Hey Bonnie! I sent you an email last night about the prize! Reply so I can send you your gift! :-)
