The blog is fantastic. There is a page for each grade level, which makes it even more appealing (not to mention the awesome blog template!). Check it out!!!
you are not seeing things...
I have indeed changed my blog template. ::sigh::
I know the other one was "school" looking, but when I initially picked it out, I didn't realize how much I would love this "blogging thing". I feel like the new one is more ME. My personal blog reflects our family "view", so I thought my school/professional one should reflect how I want my students to feel...comfortable, relaxed, welcomed, like a home...
I hope it makes you feel comfy as well. Now, you know a little more about me!
However, my "gift" for my birthday in September will be a just-for-me blog design. I figure that will be about six months of blogging. I just can't see spending $100-plus on a design as a brand new blogger...not yet, anyway!!! Six months is enough time to get good and comfortable with what I'm doing here!!
(NO, there wasn't a Harry Potter one....I would've snagged that in a heartbeat!)
Have a great Saturday night!!

I love the new look and thank you for your kind words!
Think, Wonder, & Teach